Michael P. Murtaugh (†)
University of Minnesota - USA AutorEDUKACJA I SZKOLENIA
Licencjat z Biologii,1973 rok, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana, USA
Doktorat z Entomologii, 1980 rok, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA
Staż podoktorski, 1980-1985 rok, Departments of Internal Medicine and Pharmacology, University of Texas Medical School at Houston, Texas, USA
W 2012 roku wyróżniony Veterinary Immunologist Award, American Association of Immunologists and American Association of Veterinary Immunologists
1974-1976 Wolontariusz Peace Corps
Departamento de Ecologia
Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias
Maracay, Venezuela
1976-1979 Ukończenie Pedagogiki, asystent naukowy
Department of Entomology
Ohio State University, Columbus
1980-1985 Asystent i wykładowaca
Departments of Internal Medicine and Pharmacology
University of Texas Medical School, Houston
1985-1995 Asystent i profesor nadzwyczajny
Department of Veterinary & Biomedical Sciences
University of Minnesota, St. Paul
1995-obecnie Profesor
Department of Veterinary & Biomedical Sciences
University of Minnesota, St. Paul
1997-1998 Profesor wizytujący
Research Institute for Molecular Pathology
Vienna, Austria
2004-2009 Dyrektor programowy
USDA PRRS Coordinated Agricultural Project
University of Minnesota, St. Paul
2010-obecnie Dyrektor studiów podyplomowych
Comparative and Molecular Biosciences Graduate Program
University of Minnesota, St. Paul and Minneapolis
Li, J., S. Tao, R. Orlando, and M.P. Murtaugh. 2015. N-glycosylation profiling of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus envelope glycoprotein 5. Virology 478:86-98.
Murtaugh, M.P. 2014. Advances in swine immunology help move vaccine technology forward. Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol. 159:202-207.
Robinson, S.R., J. Li, E.A. Nelson, and M.P. Murtaugh. 2015. Broadly neutralizing antibodies against the rapidly evolving porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus. Virus Res. 203:56-65.
Li, J. and Murtaugh, M.P. 2015. Functional analysis of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus N-glycans in infection of permissive cells. Virology. 477:82-88.
Davies, B., X. Wang, C.M.T. Dvorak, D. Marthaler, and M.P. Murtaugh. 2016. Diagnostic phylogenetics reveals a new porcine circovirus 2 cluster. Virus Res. 217:32-37.
Zaktualizowane CV 26-wrz-2016