Paul Yeske

Swine Vet Center, P.A. - USA Autor

Grudzień 1998   University of Minnesota, College of Veterinary Medicine, (tytuł "Masters" w zakresie medycyny weterynaryjnej świń)
Maj 1985 Iowa State University, College of Veterinary Medicine D.V.M

1996 Howard Dunne Memorial Lecture (AASP)
1998 Swine Practitioner of the Year (AASP)

1991-obecnie Swine Vet Center, P.A.  St. Peter, MN, konsultant ds. zdrowia stad świń, 9-osobowa praktyka zapewnia producentom trzody chlewnej doradztwo produkcyjne i zdrowotne oraz usługi zarządzania.
1985-1990 Praktyka weterynaryjna w dużym podmiocie: 15 osób, zwierzęta gospodarskie

1996, 1999 American Association of Swine Practitioners (Program Committee)
1996 - obecnie American Association of Swine Practitioners (Swine Health Committee Chairman)
1985 - obecnie Minnesota Association of Swine Practitioners
Minnesota Veterinary Medical Association (Swine Program Committee Chairman) American Veterinary Medical Association
National Pork Producers Council (Swine Health Committee) i (Swine Futures Committee)
1992-1998 Pfizer Veterinary Advisory Council
2000-obecnie Schering Veterinary Advisory Council
1997-obecnie Intervet Veterinary Advisory Council

1994 Minnesota Association of Swine Practitioners Building Seminar
1990,91,92,93, American Association Swine Practitioners:94,95,96,98,99,00
1996 Howard Dunne Memorial Lecture
1992 Depopulation/Repopulation - Satellite Program
1994 Pre-convention Seminar - Employee Management
1994-1996 Pre-convention Seminar - PigCHAMP Advanced Session
1993-2000 Allen Leman Conference
1993 National Pork Conference, Brock Associates
1993 University of Minnesota Swine Masters Class Seminar: Production Systems
1987-1992 Swine Herd Health Programming Conference
1988, 90, 91 American Association of Swine Practitioner Annual Meeting 93, 94-96, 98,00
1989-2000 MVMA Annual Meeting
1990 Interstate Veterinary Association Annual Meeting
1990-1991 Minnesota Swine Health Clinic
1992 Ohio State Veterinary Association Annual Meeting
1990 Iowa State University special meeting on Mystery Swine Disease
1994 Oxford Laboratories - "Young Swine Practitioner Meeting"
1995 Missouri Vet Med Assn, Swine program
1995 Iowa Veterinary Medical Association summer meeting
1999 Saskatchewan Pork Industry meeting

1993 Elanco Animal Health: Brazil Swine Training Seminar
National Pork Producer Networking Conference
1993 U.S. Feed Grains Council, Japan: Swine Training Seminar
1993-2000 National Pork Producer World Pork Expo
1995 National Pork Producers Pork Academy
1992 National Pork Producer World Pork Expo: Moderated Producer Panel
1993 Kubus, Spain: A.I. Training Seminar
1988, 1995 Minnesota Pork Producer Meeting
LeSeuer County Pork Producer Meeting
Brown County Adult Education Program
Mankato Technical College Swine Day
Genetic Improvement Service Producer Meeting
Brock Associates

American Cyanamid: Swine Industry Perspective to Research Board
Benson Quinn Hog Grower Meetings
Big Gain Producer Meetings
Hubbard Milling Producer Meetings
Kent Feeds Producer Meetings
Super Sweet Producer Meetings
Land 'O' Lakes Producer Meetings
Pfizer Animal Health Producer Meetings
Purina District Representative Meeting
Nutrena District Representative Meeting
Elanco Regional Employee Training Seminar

Collins, J, DVM; Loula, T, DVM; Yeske, P, DVM; Diagnosis of Clostridium Perfringens Type A Enteritis in Piglets. Swine Health and Production, 1994; 24-25.
Yeske, P, DVM; Ott, S, PhD; Hurd, S, DVM, PhD. Facility Effects on Preweaning Mortality: A Report of the NAHMS National Swine Survey, 1994; v2n5, 11-17.
Rossow, KD; Shivers, JL; Yeske, PE,; Polson, DD; Rowland, RRR; Lawson, SR; Murtaugh, MP; Nelson, EA; Collins, JE. Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus Infection in Neonatal Pigs Characterized by Marked Neurovirulence, The Veterinary Record, April 1999;444-445.

Yeske, PE, Collins, JE, Bergeland, ME. Clostridium Perfringens Type A in Piglet Diarrhea. Proc American Association of Swine Practitioners 1990: 407.
Yeske, PE. EMC in the Grow-finish. American Association of Swine Practitioners 1991: 461.
Yeske, PE. Using an Electronic Spreadsheet in Determining the influence of Stocking Density on Profitability. Proc Minnesota Swine Herd Health Conf. 1991: 254.
Yeske, PE. On-farm Medicated Early Weaning. Proc Minnesota Swine Herd Health Conf. 1992: 105.
Yeske, PE. Case Study Utilizing Oxford’s Salmonella Choleraesuis Vaccine. Proc American Association of Swine Practitioners 1993:125.
Yeske, PE. Strategies for Implementing Enteric Control Programs in Grow-finish. Proc American Association of Swine Practitioners 1993:385.
Yeske, PE. Using Growth Curves to Troubleshoot Grow-finish Problems. Proc American Association of Swine Practitioners 1993:489.
Yeske, PE. Use of PG-600 in Early Weaned Sows. Proc American Association of Swine Practitioners 1995:67.
Yeske, PE. Howard Dunne Memorial Lecture – Efficient Pork Production. Proc American Association of Swine Practitioners 1996:255.
Yeske, PE. Personality Type, Attitude Towards Pigs and Herd Productivity. Proc Allen D. Leman Swine Conf. 1997:180.
Yeske, PE. Controlling Transmissable Gastroenteritis. Proc American Association of Swine Practitioners Conf. 1997:381.
Yeske, PE. Personality Type, Attitude Towards Pigs and Herd Productivity. Proc International Pig Vet Society Conf. 1998:227.
Yeske, PE. Personality Type, A New Tool To Improve Herd Performance. Proc Allen D. Leman Swine Conf. 1998.
Yeske, PE. PRRS Management: Management of the Breeding Herd New Problems in Multi-site Production. Pork Academy, 1997.
Yeske, PE. Practitioners Perspective on the Veterinary Accreditation Program. Proc American Veterinary Medical Association, 1996.
Yeske, PE. AASP Subcommittee on PRRS members: Collins, J; Dee S; Halbur, P; Keffaber, K; Lautner, B; McCaw, M; Rodibaugh, M; Sanford, E. Control of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome PRRS Virus, Swine Health and Production, 1996:90-93.
Yeske, PE. Using Quick Pig to Understand Financials, Minnesota Veterinary Medical Assn. Conference, 2000.
Yeske, PE. Grow-Finish Cough: Diagnostic Case Report, Minnesota Veterinary Medical Assn. Conference, 2000.
Yeske, PE. Making Sense of Pig Flow on Farm Mycoplasma Control Programs, Minnesota Veterinary Medical Assn. Conference, 1999.
Yeske, PE. TGE Control Programs, Minnesota Veterinary Medical Assn. Conference, 1998.
Yeske, PE. Herd Health Management Programs, Minnesota Veterinary Medical Assn. Conference, 1998.
Yeske, PE. Efficient Pork Production, Minnesota Veterinary Medical Assn. Conference, 1997.
Yeske, PE. Summarization of Grow-Finish Close Out Data, Minnesota Veterinary Medical Assn. Conference, 1997.
Yeske, PE. Usage of Feed Budgeting Programs, Minnesota Veterinary Medical Assn. Conference, 1996.
Yeske, PE. Understanding Personality Profiles, Minnesota Veterinary Medical Assn. Conference, 1996.
Yeske, PE. Facility Effects on Preweaning Mortality A Report of the NAHMS National Swine Survey, Minnesota Veterinary Medical Assn. Conference, 1995.
Yeske, PE. Use of Artificial Insemination in Depopulation and Repopulation, Minnesota Veterinary Medical Assn. Conference, 1995.
Yeske, PE. Using Personality Profiles of Decision Makers to Compare Characteristics and Performance of Herd and the Interdependency Among Producers, Minnestoa Veterinary Medical Assn. Conference, 1995.
Yeske, PE. Utilization of On Farm Artificial Insemination, Minnesota Veterinary Medical Assn. Conference, 1994.
Yeske, PE. Disease Surveillance Program, Minnesota Veterinary Medical Assn. Conference, 1994.
Yeske, PE. Management of Enteric Diseases, Minnesota Veterinary Medical Assn. Conference, 1994.
Yeske, PE. Modified Mediated Early Weaning from Multiple Farrowing Sources, Minnesota Veterinary Medical Assn. Conference, 1993.

Zaktualizowane CV 27-gru-2012

Paul Yeske jest obserwowany przez 53 osoby
Mary Wang Użytkownik Mary Wang Chiny 1 Publikacje 4 Obserwujący
Gang Qiu Nauczyciele i naukowcy Gang Qiu Chiny
Emeka J Hodowca Emeka J Nigeria 1 Obserwujący
Maricela  López Lekarz weterynarii Maricela López USA 1 Obserwujący
Carlos Gasperi Agronom Carlos Gasperi Peru 1 Obserwujący
paula mira fayos Branża mięsna paula mira fayos Hiszpania 1 Obserwujący
Givaldo  Novaes Nauczyciele i naukowcy Givaldo Novaes Brazylia 1 Obserwujący
dylan chen Agronom dylan chen Tajwan 1 Obserwujący
Dr.Dickson M. Paulo Lekarz weterynarii Dr.Dickson M. Paulo Tanzania 5 Obserwujący
вера мондикова Lekarz weterynarii вера мондикова Rosja 1 Obserwujący
lock John Lekarz weterynarii lock John Japonia 5 Obserwujący
Nicolai  Weber Lekarz weterynarii Nicolai Weber Dania 1 Obserwujący
Pham Van Hai Student Pham Van Hai Wietnam 1 Obserwujący
永杰 刘 Nauczyciele i naukowcy 永杰 刘 Chiny 1 Obserwujący
Belete  Haile Nauczyciele i naukowcy Belete Haile Hong Kong 3 Obserwujący
Jeff Mencke Hodowca Jeff Mencke USA 1 Obserwujący
Leon Kenneddy Lekarz weterynarii Leon Kenneddy Meksyk 1 Obserwujący
Luis  Mamani Agronom Luis Mamani Boliwia 10 Obserwujący
Hòa Cao Lekarz weterynarii Hòa Cao Wietnam 12 Obserwujący
Larra Romabon-Cacho Lekarz weterynarii Larra Romabon-Cacho Filipiny 6 Obserwujący
Larra Romabon-Cacho Lekarz weterynarii Larra Romabon-Cacho Filipiny 5 Obserwujący
paula saez Student paula saez Panama 1 Obserwujący
Amy Durand Nauczyciele i naukowcy Amy Durand USA 2 Obserwujący
Karen Viviana  Perdomo Delgado Agronom Karen Viviana Perdomo Delgado Kolumbia 1 Obserwujący
Sergio Martínez Student Sergio Martínez Kolumbia 1 Obserwujący
Laíza Arruda Lekarz weterynarii Laíza Arruda Brazylia 1 Publikacje 44 Obserwujący
Juana Mª Almaraz Velarde Lekarz weterynarii Juana Mª Almaraz Velarde Hiszpania 2 Obserwujący
Gustavo Simão Lekarz weterynarii Gustavo Simão Brazylia 19 Obserwujący
Reinaldo Cubillos Lekarz weterynarii Reinaldo Cubillos Brazylia 40 Obserwujący
Carlos M Branża mięsna Carlos M Brazylia 3 Obserwujący
Silvia Perez Agronom Silvia Perez Argentyna 1 Obserwujący
Mateo Gómez R. Lekarz weterynarii Mateo Gómez R. Kolumbia 24 Obserwujący

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