Strona 2 - wydarzenia w roku 2014 wydarzenia 333

Nauka w Praktyce – Doroczna Konferencja 2014Nauka w Praktyce – Doroczna Konferencja 201429kwi20142014-04-2930kwi20142014-04-30University of Nottingham, Jubilee Campus, Wollaton Road, Nottingham, Wielka Brytania
ESPHM 2014ESPHM 20147maj20142014-05-079maj20142014-05-09Hilton Sorrento Palace, Sorrento, Włochy
SIAL ChinaSIAL China13maj20142014-05-1315maj20142014-05-15Shanghai New International Expo Center, Chiny. N1-N5, E5-E7, Chiny
Conference Insects to feed the worldConference Insects to feed the world14maj20142014-05-1417maj20142014-05-17Hotel Reehorst, Bennekomseweg 24 6717 LM Ede, Niderlandy
III Scientific and Practical Conference "Weterynaria w rozrodzie świń"III Scientific and Practical Conference "Weterynaria w rozrodzie świń"15maj20142014-05-1516maj20142014-05-16Novosibirsk region, Krasnoobsk, The House of Scientists, Rosja
Alltech 30th Annual SymposiumAlltech 30th Annual Symposium18maj20142014-05-1821maj20142014-05-21Lexington Center 240 W. Vine St. Lexington, Kentucky, USA
12th China Animal Husbandry Expo (CAHE) 201412th China Animal Husbandry Expo (CAHE) 201418maj20142014-05-1820maj20142014-05-20Qingdao International Expo Centre, Chiny
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