Strona 3 - wydarzenia w roku 2015 wydarzenia 333

Międzynarodowy Kongres PRRSMiędzynarodowy Kongres PRRS3cze20152015-06-036cze20152015-06-06Ghent, Belgia
7th International Symposium on Emerging and Re-emerging Pig Diseases 27th International Symposium on Emerging and Re-emerging Pig Diseases 221cze20152015-06-2124cze20152015-06-24Kyoto International Conference Center, Kyoto, Japonia
Livestock Philippines 2015Livestock Philippines 201524cze20152015-06-2426cze20152015-06-26Smx Convention Center, Pasay City, Filipiny
VIII Dry Cured Ham World CongressVIII Dry Cured Ham World Congress25cze20152015-06-2526cze20152015-06-26Espacel Venel, Toulouse, Francja
AMVEC XLIX CongresoAMVEC XLIX Congreso29lip20152015-07-291sie20152015-08-01Centro de convenciones Poliforum. León, Gto., Meksyk
8th International Conference on Boar Semen Preservation8th International Conference on Boar Semen Preservation9sie20152015-08-0912sie20152015-08-12Urbana, Illinois-USA, USA
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