
Innovate 2014: Global Food Security

Madden's on Gull Lake 11266 Pine Beach Peninsula Brainerd, MN 56401, USAhttps://asas.org/meetings/innovate-2014/homeasas@asas.org

 5 październik ,

2014 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm- Rejestracja 

5:00 pm – 6:00 pm -Otwarcie   

Powitanie Innovate 2014 2014 ASAS Innovation Award Presentation Keynote Address:

Globalne wyzwanie w zakresie bezpieczeństwa żywności: ograniczenia, konsekwencje i możliwości.

6 październik 2014      

       8:00 am Czy potrzebujemy białka zwierzęcego na naszym talerzu?

Sesja 1 (AM): Developed and developing: the challenges

8:30 am Availability of feed/forage resources for livestock: Reducing the Yield gap in Animal Production Worldwide

9:15 am Availability of water for livestock

10:00 am Break

10:15 am Funding the role of livestock in undeveloped countries

11:00 am Finding the Balance- management of economy, environment, nutrition, etc.

11:45 Panel Discussion

12:15 Lunch Session 2 (PM): Achieving global food security and environmental sustainability             1:30 pm  Environmental impacts of animal production –

2:15 pm Sustainable intensification (mixed crop and livestock systems) 

3:00 pm Break

3:15 pm  Reduction of post harvest losses, Meats and Diary Perspectives

4:00 pm Technology’s role in basic science to achieve food security: How can basic science be used meet objectives to enhance food security?

4:45 pm  What does industry need from science to meet the challenge?

8:00 pm Poster Competition Theme: Adapting Livestock to a Changing Climate

8:30 pm Panel Discussion following Dinner: Methods of funding research/programs to help solve the issue.

7 październik 2014

8:00 am Global Sustainability Session 3 (AM): Solution Driven

8:00 am Industry perspective

8:45 am Technology development: Cutting Edge research: future forecasts and possibilities  

9:30 am Technology development: Out of the Box Solutions

10:15 am  Break

10:30 am Balancing cultural and consumer acceptance with technology advancement—the necessity of boundary assessment and marginalization to meet ultimate goal of enhancing food security

11:15 am Policy issues

12:00 pm Meeting Wrap Up and take home messages

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