
Livestock High-Throughput Phenotyping and Big Data Analytics

USDA National Agricultural Library, USAhttps://www.animalgenome.org/share/meetings/LivestockHTP

Assistant professors Nick Serão and James Koltes, and James Reecy, professor, director of the office of biotechnology and associate vice president for research have been integral in developing the vision and agenda for the Livestock HTP and Big Data conference, set for Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 13-14.

The program is billed as groundbreaking in nature for animal science, with the specific purpose of stimulating the expansion of high-throughput data use and creating vision and strategy to apply these data to production agriculture.

“High-throughput phenotype collection could revolutionize livestock production by facilitating advances in nutrition, reproduction, genetic improvement, meat science, all aspects really,” Serão said. “This information could help improve animal efficiency, well-being, health and food safety. Yet, we need to identify opportunities and knowledge gaps that should be pursued to make this happen.”

The day-and-a-half conference will be held at the USDA-ARS National Agricultural Library in Beltsville, Maryland, and features presentations from nine internationally recognized experts in the area of high-throughput phenotyping and data analysis. The agenda also includes lightning talks and poster and breakout sessions.

There’s no registration fee for the conference, but you are asked to preregister to ensure adequate meeting space and meal count. A special rate for lodging is available at a nearby hotel and that information is provided upon individual registration. The preregistration period runs from Sept. 15 – Oct. 15, and you will be notified by Oct. 15 on the status of your preregistration.

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