SiloMetric LM is a wireless sensor that uses laser technology to measure solids levels inside silos, tanks, and vats.

They facilitate the removal of dead animals from farms, contributing to the biosecurity of livestock farms. If the task is easy to perform, dead animals are removed from the farm sooner and more efficiently.
They improve the work safety of farm workers by avoiding the risk of injury, especially to the back, as it reduces the effort required to remove carcasses, especially those of very heavy animals such as breeding sows.

Exafan EU-80 50 Hz single-phase wall fan
Axial or axial fans for wall mounting. For the delivery or extraction of large volumes of air at low pressure.

Vital Blue Leste
Powder product formulated based on absorbent minerals and additives, with the ability to dry, sanitize and provide a pleasant aroma.

Exafan EU-35 50 Hz single-phase wall fan
Axial or helical fans for farms are used interchangeably for the propulsion or extraction of large volumes of air at low pressure.

Exafan EU-71 50 Hz single-phase wall fan
The most widely used on farms. Stainless steel hardware.

Exafan single-phase wall fan EU-56 50 Hz
Axial or helical fan for wall mounting to supply or extract large volumes of air at low pressure.

Exafan EU-63 50 Hz single-phase wall fan
IP55 insulation. Fan with built-in thermal protection.

Exafan EU-45 50 Hz single-phase wall fan
Fans designed for farm walls. Suitable for all types of farming.
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