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Chiny: ASF w rzeźni w Henan

OIE i Chiny potwierdzają ognisko ASF w chińskiej ubojni.

21 sierpień 2018

Ognisko wykryto w ubojnie gdzie znajdowało się 260 podatnych na zakażenie zwierząt i 30 chorych sztuk, w Strefie Rozwoju Gospodarczego, Zhengzhou (Henan).

Zainfekowane świnie zostały legalnie przetransportowane z targu świńw mieście Heli, powiat Tangyuan, miasto Jiamusi, prowincja Heilongjiang.

W rzeźni przeprowadzono rygorystyczne kontrole, dezynfekcję i kontrolę ruchu. Lokalny rząd uruchomił plan awaryjny afrykańskiego pomoru świń i działania w sytuacjach kryzysowych zgodnie ze standardem i protokołem w sprawie afrykańskiego pomoru świń. Wszystkie żywe świnie i produkty pochodzenia zwierzęcego miały zakaz przemieszczania do i z tego obszaru. W prowincji Heilongjiang zainicjowano badania epidemiologiczne i badania przesiewowe.

<p>ASF China</p>

On the other hand, regarding the first outbreak confirmed on 3 August, the Chinese veterinary authorities informed the OIE that after all susceptible animals at the infected point and infected zone were culled and disposed of in an appropriate biosecure way, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has organized and guided veterinary services of the whole country to conduct an epidemiological survey and emergency surveillance for African swine fever (ASF). Up to 09 August 2018, a total of 261,900 sites were investigated and a total of 18,094,300 pigs were screened in the country. Sites included pig farms, markets, slaughterhouses, factories or sites for disposal of animals and animal products. Epidemiological survey and emergency surveillance plan has been issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. In the key provinces including Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Guangdong, Gansu, Xinjiang, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, an epidemiological survey and emergency surveillance for ASF have been conducted according to the plan.

Regarding the source of outbreak and traceability, the origin of infected pigs has been traced in the outbreak site (Wuwu community). The pigs came from two privately owned farms, belonging to the same owner. The farms have been emptied and pig house emptied. The environmental samples were tested positive for African swine fever (ASF) nucleic acid. A total of 676 live pigs were stamped out on the periphery of the two pig farms. Local veterinary authorities and institutions have conducted an emergency screening investigation on the whole province, up to August 14, a total of 35.54 million live pigs had been screened; 10,226 samples were collected and 7 samples were tested positive for ASF nucleic acid. The epidemiological survey showed that the positive samples came from the two villages in the threatened area, and all of the live pigs in the two villages were stamped out.

czwartek 16 sierpnia, 2018.
MoA/ Chiny. http://www.moa.gov.cn
OIE. http://www.oie.int

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