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Chiński import wieprzowiny maleje

While total year-to-date imports are higher than the same period in 2022, they have been trending downward since January.

Monthly Chinese imports of pork and offal (in tons). Source: 333 based on data from the General Administration of Customs of China.

Monthly Chinese imports of pork and offal (in tons). Source: 333 based on data from the General Administration of Customs of China.

13 październik 2023

In the first eight months of this year, Chinese imports of pork and offal reached 1.96 million tons (Mt). While this is 9.5% higher than the same period last year (1.79 Mt), it is far from the 3.83 Mt imported from January-August 2020.

While monthly offal imports this year have remained more or less stable (between 90,000 t and 110,000 t per month) pork imports have progressed downward from 220,000 t in January to half that in August (110,000 t), the lowest monthly value since 2019.

październik 2023/ Redakcja 333 na podstawie informacji uzyskanych od Generalnej Administracji Celnej Chin.

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